The stability ball pike up – The ball pike up can be quite challenging for your overall core because one of the tasks of the core is to keep the spine stable in the various segments while the limbs move. And that’s exactly what happens with the pike up. Ultimately, the exercise is characterized by being in a push-up position while you want to bring the ball to the upper body with your lower body. It sounds difficult, and it is. 😉
If you would like to get yourself a training ball, then I can recommend this one: Stability ball*
Stability ball pike up
Starting position
Push-up position with legs on stability ball
- The less leg there is on the ball, the more difficult it becomes
Hands about shoulder width apart
Body is straight
Final position
Try to bring your pubic bone to your sternum by engaging your abdominal muscles
Upper body moves into a handstand
The links marked with * are affiliate links from the Amazon partner program. If you buy something through these links, I get a commission; of course, you have no additional costs.
References regarding exercise technique
Coburn, J. W., & Malek, M. H. (2012). NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics.
Kempf, H. D. (Ed.). (2014). Funktionelles Training mit Hand-und Kleingeräten: Das Praxisbuch. Springer-Verlag.
Willardson, J. M. (2014). Developing the core. Human Kinetics.
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