Full body workout no equipment needed

Full body workout no equipment needed – Strength training without equipment can be an excellent way to build muscles and stay fit. It’s a great option for people who don’t have time or money for a gym or prefer to work out at home. In this post, we’ll go through an example workout plan for beginners. If you’re already a bit further or advanced, the plan won’t take you any further.

This training is a circuit training. That means you complete one exercise, pause (or not), and move on to the next exercise. The plan is simple but effective and can be performed by many people – usually regardless of age, provided that the health condition allows it in old age. However, the exercise execution, body position, or use of additional weight should be adjusted according to the actual fitness level to better meet individual needs. Of course, this training plan cannot cover your individual peculiarities. But maybe it can help you strengthen your muscles and challenge your cardiovascular system to make you fitter for everyday life.

Nevertheless, checking your athletic ability before starting training may make sense, especially if you have not been active for a long time or have physical limitations. If you want to learn more about how to create workout plans or simply visit my Instagram, just follow the link.

Full body workout no equipment needed
Full body workout no equipment needed – Picture: Fit Young Woman Exercising at Home. Pilates or Yoga Workout by Gajus.

Warm-up for Beginners’ Full body workout no equipment needed

Begin your workout with a warm-up to prepare your body for the upcoming exercises. Perform the following movements slowly:

10 x slowly circle in each direction:

  • Hand, shoulder, arm, thigh (one-legged), foot (one-legged)

10 x slowly perform the following movements on each side:

  • Trunk rotation
  • Lateral flexion

10 x quarter squat (like the standard squat, but not so deep)

Short break

10 x quarter squat (now with arms stretched next to the head)

Main part – Circuit training

Squats – „Sit on a chair“

Push arms against a wall

  • “Hands up” position, try to pull your shoulder blades together by pressing your arms against the wall. Also, press the back of your head against the wall.

Bird Dog


  • If the Bird Dog exercise has already exhausted your back extensors or shoulder muscles so that you don’t feel quite as fit for the plank afterward, you can replace the plank with crunches.

Brief remarks on circuit training

Reps: 12-15 (or 35-45 s)

Number of circuits: 2-3

Rest between exercises/circuits: as needed

Movement velocity: 2-0-2-0

Full body workout no equipment needed

Detailed remarks on circuit training

Perform the exercises one after the other, but pause between each exercise as needed. A round/circuit is completed after the last exercise. Please complete 2-3 circuits in total, pausing between circuits as needed. Aim for about 12-15 repetitions (35-45 seconds hold time) for each exercise. The 12-15 repetitions (35-45 seconds hold time) should be challenging, but you don’t have to reach muscle failure. That means you should still be able to do 2-3 more repetitions (5-10 seconds hold time). If 15 repetitions with body weight alone would be significantly too easy for certain exercises, such as squats, then feel free to do a few more repetitions of that exercise. Don’t worry. We will also go through exercise variations and alternative exercises to adapt the training in future posts. The tempo of the exercise execution is even and slow. The example of squats can illustrate this well. Take about 2 seconds for the downward movement phase. Immediately reverse direction at the lowest point of the movement and push upward for 2 seconds (i.e., only briefly and lightly touch the chair). Do not pause at the top, but start the next repetition immediately. This results in the following movement tempo: 2 seconds down, 0 seconds hold at the bottom, 2 seconds up, 0 seconds hold at the top.


Stretch the following areas for 2 x 20-30 seconds each:


Cat hump

Back of the shoulder



Neck/neck area



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